Event Details
March 12, 2025 5 PM - 8 PM PDT
The ACG 101 Spring Social is a business networking event held on March 12th, 2025
Limited amount of sponsorship opportunities available! Please email Mhenderson@acg.org for more info!
This is a great opportunity to get your name out there and meet successful, like-minded business connections! Also, meet potential clients and referrals to grow your lead pipelines. It also allows you to market your brand, collaborate with experts, establish your position as an industry leader, and gain new strategies and insights for growth.
We will be serving light bites and beverages for your enjoyment!
Tickets: $99- ACG Members
$139- ACG Non-Members
Who: Traditionally attendees have included:
- Business Owners & Entrepreneurs
- Private Equity and Venture Capital Investors
- Real Estate Developers and Investors
- Family Offices
- Legal, Accounting, and Finance Professionals
- Commercial Bankers and Investment Bankers
- Real estate brokers and business brokers
- Wealth Managers and Private Bankers
- Business Consultants & Marketing Professionals
- Individual Investors
- Other professionals focused on operating businesses, capital markets and real estate.
- HR, Recruiting/Staffing & Payroll Companies
- Commercial Finance Companies and other Asset-Based Lenders
- Commercial And Residential Mortgage Providers
- Back-Office Accounting and Interim/PT Chief Financial Officers
*** Dress is business casual
ACG 101 encourages Uber or other ride share options when drinking alcoholic beverages
Event Materials