Event Details
January 29, 2019 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM PST
We apologize, but this year's luncheon is now officially sold out. Watch your calendars for news of our next events!
ACG 101's Women in Corporate Growth
Eighth Annual Luncheon
Women in M&A:
Managing through Change
he 2019 Women in Corporate Growth Luncheon brings together a panel of powerhouse executives who have recently participated in M&A transactions across various structures, including both strategic acquisitions and private equity investments. Please plan to join us on Tuesday, January 29th at our new location, the Braemar Country Club in Tarzana, for another unforgettable program. This year's panelists include:
- July Bocabeille, Chief Financial Officer, Algenist
- Ann Kono, Former CIO, Ares Management; CEO & Founder, Leda Advisory Group
- Laura Siegal, Chief Financial Officer, Natal Engineering Co., Inc (NEO Technology)
- Jennifer Terrill, Chief Investment Officer, Paysafe
Marianne Mortimer, Shareholder, Stradling Bankruptcy and Restructuring Practice Group, will serve as Program Moderator.
As always, the WCG luncheon is a fundraising event. This year's proceeds will benefit the Let them Play Foundation, which will provide grants to various children’s organizations in the Ventura County area to offset the dwindling Physical Education programs in public schools across the country and help ensure that our future remains active and healthy.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Profits to benefit the non-profit Let Them Play
- Name & Logo prominently displayed in event promotional materials (e-mailings, website, flyers, ACG 101 pre-event programs and PowerPoints)
- Promotion of your sponsorship to ACG 101’s membership and mailing lists
- Recognition at Event by Program Moderator
- On-site acknowledgment in running PowerPoint and event program
- Tabletop display for your literature / and or brochure if requested
- Reserved Table for 8 at a premium location
GOLD SPONSOR $1,500.00
- Name & Logo in event promotional materials (e-mailings, website, flyers, ACG 101 pre-event programs and PowerPoints)
- Promotion of your sponsorship to ACG 101’s membership and mailing lists
- Recognition at Event by Program Moderator and in event program
- On-site acknowledgment in running PowerPoint and event program
- Tabletop display for your literature / and or brochure if requested
- Reserved seating for 4 at a premium location
Silver SPONSOR $750.00
- Name & Logo is placed in predominant position in event promotional materials (e-mailings, website, flyers, ACG 101 pre-event programs and PowerPoints)
- Promotion of your sponsorship to ACG 101’s membership and mailing lists
- Recognition at Event by Program Moderator and in event program
- On-site acknowledgment in running PowerPoint and event program
- Tabletop display for your literature / and or brochure if requested
- Reserved Seating for 2 at a premium location
Reserved Table for 8 (No sponsorship benefits included) $700.00
Not interested in sponsoring? Why not host a table for your favorite clients, co-workers, peers or up-and-coming women executives! Includes reserved preferred seating at a table of 8 in a desirable location.
Contact Maureen Whalen at 805.324.6209 to reserve any of the above options.
Individual (Unreserved) Seats are available for $100 each via Eventbrite: https://managingthroughchange.eventbrite.com/.
Hosted by: ACG